Poster Presentation ANZOS-OSSANZ-AOCO Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

#waterwiththat: Consumer led action to improve drink offerings in children's meals. (#211)

Alice Pryor 1
  1. Parents' Voice, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

The development of the Quick Service Restaurant Initiative for Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children (QSRI) led to the large fast food chains change their advertising practises directed to children.

This meant that many children's meals were advertised as being served with water. The in store experience is quite different, with parents and children ordering the kids' meals having to actively choose the healthier options.

Consumer advocacy group, Parents’ Voice, surveyed Australian parents and found that 89 per cent agreed that water should be the default option in kids’ meals.

With 47 per cent of Australian children consuming at least one sugary drink every day, the campaign #waterwiththat is urging all signatories to the QSRI to put water with their kids’ meals.

Campaigns Manager Alice Pryor will outline how Parents' Voice have approached the campaign including the research basis and how Parents' Voice have built support within the quick service restaurant industry.

  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011-12, Australian Health Survey: Nutrition First Results - Foods and Nutrients, cat. no. 4364.0.55.007, viewed on 1 April 2017,